James 5:16

Today's Thought
Healing rarely happens to the areas that are hidden in our lives. Many times, we can share 99% of our struggle with people, yet the 1% we don’t share is actually the thing that can dictate the direction of our lives. When we confess our shortcomings to God, He is merciful and just to forgive us. When we confess our shortcomings to others, healing happens! If there is a reoccurring struggle, pain or sin in your life and you feel like it is time to bring it into the open, whether that is with a trusted friend or leader, do not hesitate to move in this direction today. It could be the very obstacle standing in the way of your breakthrough.  
Prayer Focus
Father, Thank you for the grace you’ve extended to me. While I was still a sinner, you died for me! Your grace is sufficient for every moment. There’s no place that your extended hand can’t reach. Thank you for your forgiveness. Help me to live in complete transparency with you, and bring light to any hidden areas where I need another believer to hold me accountable.