Ephesians 4:13-16

Today's Thought
There is so much power when we are unified as His church around the Word of God. We will spend the next few days praying through passages of Scripture. As we do this, we are praying in alignment with the will of God for our lives because we are praying His Word back to Him. As you go through these days, be sensitive to when God lays someone on your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for them as they come to your mind throughout the day.
Prayer Focus
Father, I ask that I will live a life of unity with those in the faith. I ask that this year will be a year of spiritual maturing and growth that only the Holy Spirit can bring in my life. I submit and yield to all that you want to do.  I pray you give me discernment and wisdom so I will not be deceived by the enemy. There are so many lies and teachings that are not of you, and I ask you to continue to fill me with the Holy Spirit that I might live out the truth of your Word, not falling prey to any lies. Help me to be someone who speaks your truth in love and let me grow in every way into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Thank you that you have chosen me for a specific role in your body. I ask that you would help me to function in that role with clarity, boldness, and faith.