21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


Fasting enables us to celebrate the goodness and mercy of God. It prepares our hearts for all the good things God desires to bring into our lives. When deciding on a fast, we encourage you to seek God in prayer and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.

Types of Fasts

Selective Fast

This fast consists of removing specific items from your diet. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast where you remove meats, sweets, and bread from your diet.

Partial Fast

This fast is sometimes called the “Jewish Fast” and consists of abstaining from any food from sunup to sundown. For example, in Ohio it’s not eating from 7am to 5pm.

Complete Fast

This fast consists of removing all food and only drinking liquid. Mostly water and light juices.

Soul Fast

This is a great option for those people who aren’t experienced with fasting food or have health reasons that prevent them from fasting. This is when you abstain from certain areas of your life that can easily get out of balance. For example, a soul fast could be giving up TV, social media, or watching sports.


Prayer is our first response, not our last resort.

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We want to equip you for success during your 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Below, you'll find  daily scriptures, devotionals, and twice a week videos designed to inspire you to go deeper and connect with God in ways you never have before.

Week One

January 6th

Today's Thought:
As we focus on a new year, a fresh start and all that lies ahead of us, we want to intentionally focus on this race that we have been called to run. Paul reminds us that there are foundational disciplines and invitations from our Heavenly Father that we engage in as a means of relying on Him as our source and our ultimate prize. The invitation of prayer is a daily connection to God and the place that we surrender our will to the Fathers’ will. Fasting is an invitation to hear and experience God’s presence and power in a very tangible way. There is a spiritual mystery to fasting that cannot be explained, but it is a pathway that God has given us to engage in the spiritual battle going on around us.
Prayer Focus:  
What specific areas of your life are you seeking God for breakthrough this year? Write these out and begin to pray through these daily.

Pastor Kyle

January 7th

Today's Thought
You are a new creation in Christ. God the son came in physical flesh to live a sinless life. This physical body was given to Him for the sole purpose of laying it down as a sacrifice to cover our broken, sinful nature.  What love the Father has for us, to step into brokenness to make a way when there was no way. Jesus is now exalted at the right hand of God and we await the day of His second coming. Remind yourself of this hope, daily. Remind yourself in good circumstances and in bad, that He is still faithful. He has been faithful throughout human history to send our Savior and we can continue to rely on Him fully since we have put our faith in Him for salvation. We must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly on it! 
Prayer Focus:  
Pray for renewed joy as you contemplate the salvation you have in Christ. You have been    made new, you are no longer a slave to sin or your old life. In Christ, you stand covered, clean, whole before God. Ask God to let this truth shape the way you live today. Maybe you need freedom, healing, strength, vision, grace or something else. Make your requests known to God in light of the truth of this passage. 

January 8th

Today's Thought
In Scripture, we are told time and time again that God hates pride, but He gives grace to the humble. He can do nothing with a proud heart and He hates pride because of how it destroys us. Today, pray that God would dig out every bit of pride that is in your heart. The sneaky part about pride is that it has many forms. It is easy to recognize when it looks haughty and abrasive, but more often, pride shows up in subtle ways: when we think we know more than God - whether it is what we think of ourselves or instructions that He gives us that we ignore… whatever way pride may be showing up in your life, remember that it is a soul disease that we must ask the Holy Spirit to rid us of.
Prayer Focus:  
God, it is so easy to see pride in others, but I can be so blind to how it has taken root in my heart. I ask that you would reveal pride and deliver me from it. As I confess it, I know that you will bring freedom. Search my heart and I will respond in repentance. 

Pastor Dave

January 9th

Today's Thought
Confession brings forgiveness and freedom. Regularly confess the sin and shortcomings that the Holy Spirit makes you aware of. Take time to ask God to reveal any sinful way in you that you might be blind to.
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I repent of the sin in my life. I am asking you to search me and know my heart. I can easily deceive myself, but I want to live in true freedom from sin. I am asking you to reveal the anxious thoughts in my mind. If there are places where I am letting fear reign and not your Holy Spirit, I ask for truth to invade this fear and break the power it has over me. I ask that you would lead me, every day. I want to walk in your ways and not my own. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.

January 10th

Today's Thought
There is so much power when we are unified as His church around the Word of God. We will spend the next few days praying through passages of Scripture. As we do this, we are praying in alignment with the will of God for our lives because we are praying His Word back to Him. As you go through these days, be sensitive to when God lays someone on your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for them as they come to your mind throughout the day.
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I ask that I will live a life of unity with those in the faith. I ask that this year will be a year of spiritual maturing and growth that only the Holy Spirit can bring in my life. I submit and yield to all that you want to do.  I pray you give me discernment and wisdom so I will not be deceived by the enemy. There are so many lies and teachings that are not of you, and I ask you to continue to fill me with the Holy Spirit that I might live out the truth of your Word, not falling prey to any lies. Help me to be someone who speaks your truth in love and let me grow in every way into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Thank you that you have chosen me for a specific role in your body. I ask that you would help me to function in that role with clarity, boldness, and faith.

January 11th

Today's Thought
Scripture often instructs us to do the very opposite of what our flesh instinctively wants to do. God tells us to have courage instead of being fearful, to pray instead of worry, and to consider trials, pure joy. God sees beyond the vapor of this life from the eternal perspective, and so only He knows just how every bit of pain is producing an eternal glory and every moment we choose courage over fear, it is producing an eternal resilience. He can instruct us with full confidence that even in the midst of the trials, there truly is joy, but it takes faith to act on what He says.
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I ask that you would give me joy in the middle of my trials. Give me the ability to stir my heart with the joy of knowing that you are working eternal glory and deeper faith in the times in my life where I cannot see the final outcome. Thank you for developing perseverance in me. Help me to remain in you and allow perseverance to finish its work. I want to be mature and complete in you, not lacking anything. Your ways are higher, your grace is greater, and your Holy Spirit gives me the daily strength I need to continue to press forward. You are the author and the finisher of my faith, complete the work that you started in Jesus name, Amen.  

January 12th

Today's Thought
As we close out our first week of prayer and fasting, our prayer today is that God would increase our faith this year. Hebrews talks about many of the giants of the faith that have gone before us and how they lived their lives by faith (although not perfectly). They saw God do the impossible and died with their faith anchored in the promise that was yet to come in eternity. We have been placed at this point in history for a purpose. The Kingdom of God is moving in powerful ways in our time, and He is calling each of us to play our part as we walk by faith.
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I submit to your plans, your kingdom, your ways. I ask that you would help me walk in obedience this year, and that through obedience, my faith would grow stronger each day. Help me to step out and trust you in the big and small ways that you are calling me to obey. Help me keep my eyes on the ultimate promise of Heaven, but let it drive me to live every day in surrender to you. Use my life so that others will see you and come to know you as Savior. I pray that 2025 will be a year that I look back on and see your fingerprints on each day, each week. As the man in Scripture prayed, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief”, I am asking you to show yourself strong in every deficit in my life. In Jesus name, Amen. 

January 13th

Today's Thought
Has something embarrassing ever happened to you and the person with you tries to make you feel better by saying, “I’ve been there.”? I believe this is what sharing each other’s burdens looks like. What if the purpose of the hard season you went through is to grow your empathy for those who are going through the same thing right now? People around you are waiting for your presence and wisdom. 
Prayer Focus:  
Father, help me bear others’ burdens. I pray that the pain I’ve felt in the past allows me to empathize with people now. People are so weighed down by life and I pray that I can help lift the burden by simply being present with people and sharing what you taught me through it. Give me opportunities this week to lift others up. 

Pastor Ben

January 14th

Today's Thought
Have you ever thought about the people that have “more” and you think, “If I had what they had, I would be so generous"?  I know I’ve thought about it. However, some of the most powerful moments in the Bible are when people give a little because God doesn’t look at the amount, but at the heart. If you can’t give when you have little, how do you expect to give when you have a lot? This thought isn’t to discourage us but to inspire us knowing that God can use it all. Be generous today! Pay for someone’s coffee, surprise someone with a gift, give to one of the amazing organizations that we support, or just ask God to open your eyes to one generous act that you can do today that would meet someone in a place of need. 
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I know that I am not an owner but a manager! You’ve given me so many blessings and I pray that I can continue to steward them well. I pray that I don’t use the resources you’ve blessed me with to simply focus on the things that will eventually fade away. Let me invest it in building your kingdom as I give generously to those around me. So here I am, palms up, fully surrendered. I give you my time, the giftings that you have placed in me and the treasure that you have placed in my hands. I want to steward all of these well, in Jesus name. 

January 15th

Today's Thought
Have you ever thought about the people that have “more” and you think, “If I had what they had, I would be so generous"?  I know I’ve thought about it. However, some of the most powerful moments in the Bible are when people give a little because God doesn’t look at the amount, but at the heart. If you can’t give when you have little, how do you expect to give when you have a lot? This thought isn’t to discourage us but to inspire us knowing that God can use it all. Be generous today! Pay for someone’s coffee, surprise someone with a gift, give to one of the amazing organizations that we support, or just ask God to open your eyes to one generous act that you can do today that would meet someone in a place of need. 
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I know that I am not an owner but a manager! You’ve given me so many blessings and I pray that I can continue to steward them well. I pray that I don’t use the resources you’ve blessed me with to simply focus on the things that will eventually fade away. Let me invest it in building your kingdom as I give generously to those around me. So here I am, palms up, fully surrendered. I give you my time, the giftings that you have placed in me and the treasure that you have placed in my hands. I want to steward all of these well, in Jesus name. 


January 16th

Today's Thought
Have you ever thought about the people that have “more” and you think, “If I had what they had, I would be so generous"?  I know I’ve thought about it. However, some of the most powerful moments in the Bible are when people give a little because God doesn’t look at the amount, but at the heart. If you can’t give when you have little, how do you expect to give when you have a lot? This thought isn’t to discourage us but to inspire us knowing that God can use it all. Be generous today! Pay for someone’s coffee, surprise someone with a gift, give to one of the amazing organizations that we support, or just ask God to open your eyes to one generous act that you can do today that would meet someone in a place of need. 
Prayer Focus:  
Father, I know that I am not an owner but a manager! You’ve given me so many blessings and I pray that I can continue to steward them well. I pray that I don’t use the resources you’ve blessed me with to simply focus on the things that will eventually fade away. Let me invest it in building your kingdom as I give generously to those around me. So here I am, palms up, fully surrendered. I give you my time, the giftings that you have placed in me and the treasure that you have placed in my hands. I want to steward all of these well, in Jesus name. 

January 17th

Today's Thought
King David wrote Psalms 51 and talks about how God isn’t impressed by our performance and trying to look like we have it all together. However, it’s moments of brokenness that don’t escape God’s attention. No matter what we’ve done, God hasn’t turned his back on us but shows compassion by moving towards us. In the same way, we need to move towards others. Sometimes it is hard and we have to step over pride, brokenness, and bitterness to show compassion to others. But it’s what God has called us to do.
Prayer Focus:  
Father, give me the strength to forgive others! Give me the strength to move towards my spouse, family member, or coworker. I pray for reconciliation in my relationship. Help me follow your commandment in Ephesians and get rid of bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander. Give me courage to follow your example and be kind to others, tenderhearted, and forgiving them!

January 18th

Today's Thought
Many times within relationships, there’s many waiting moments. You may be waiting for a future spouse, a son or daughter to come back to Jesus, or a significant other to be healed. In those seasons of waiting, God does some of His best work. He can give you peace in the waiting season while simultaneously preparing you for the next season. Don’t rush this waiting season too quickly and miss what God wants to show you. You will look back one day and thank God for it.
Prayer Focus:
Father, thank you for the promise found in Isaiah 40. Thank you that in the waiting seasons you will give me strength and power to walk through it and not grow weary. I trust and thank you for this season because I know you’re using it for good. Allow me to look beyond my current situation and realize you have a bigger plan. In this season, I pray that my “waiting” will turn into working. Working on all you’ve called me to be.

January 19th

Today's Thought
Healing rarely happens to the areas that are hidden in our lives. Many times, we can share 99% of our struggle with people, yet the 1% we don’t share is actually the thing that can dictate the direction of our lives. When we confess our shortcomings to God, He is merciful and just to forgive us. When we confess our shortcomings to others, healing happens! If there is a reoccurring struggle, pain or sin in your life and you feel like it is time to bring it into the open, whether that is with a trusted friend or leader, do not hesitate to move in this direction today. It could be the very obstacle standing in the way of your breakthrough.  
Prayer Focus:
Father, Thank you for the grace you’ve extended to me. While I was still a sinner, you died for me! Your grace is sufficient for every moment. There’s no place that your extended hand can’t reach. Thank you for your forgiveness. Help me to live in complete transparency with you, and bring light to any hidden areas where I need another believer to hold me accountable.  

January 20th

Today's Thought
It’s a beautiful realization when we understand that we are God's Plan A to reach the world. When we begin to understand this, we know we can’t do it on our own. We need to lean more into our relationship with the Holy Spirit, who gives us greater power, boldness, and love for others. Some of the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us are to build up other Believers and some are to give us the boldness to be a light in a very dark world. You have the opportunity to reach people that other people cannot. Who are you going to share the love of Jesus with this year?
Prayer Focus
Father, I am asking for a fresh filling of your Holy Spirit. Empower me to walk with boldness, humility and complete surrender. Holy Spirit give me the desire and the power to do what pleases you (Philippians 2:13).


January 21st

Today's Thought
In our busy lives, it’s so easy to get tunnel visioned and focus on our schedules, goals, and personal needs. But Jesus calls us to see more. In scripture God calls us to love the “least of these.” “The least” doesn’t just refer to those struggling; it can also mean those we tend to get overlooked. Jesus often did the greatest works in the midst of an interruption. What if these interruptions were not accidents but the very thing He came for? What if the people who interrupt our day are actually those God has placed in our path to reach? Let our prayer this year be that God will give us new eyes – to see beyond what builds our own world and focus on what builds His Kingdom. Let’s be people that reach people “in” our way, while we’re on our way! 
Prayer Focus:
Father, I ask that you would open my eyes to the assignments and direction that you have for me this year. I want your Kingdom to come and your will to be done in my life, but I know it starts with being able to see. So as the blind man in Luke responded to your question “What do you want me to do for you?” I am praying the same words: “Lord, I want to see."

January 22nd

Today's Thought
There are assignments that God has woven into your life that may surprise you. There are times that we may disqualify ourselves from something that God is asking us to do because we don’t feel educated enough, strong enough, wise enough, prepared enough or experienced enough. But God has always chosen to use people in ways where only He will get the glory! God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. As you say yes to His plan, you can walk in confidence knowing that when God opens the door for you, that’s all the qualification you need. 
Prayer Focus
Father, I long for my life to bring you glory. Here I am, ready to be used in any way you choose to work through me this year. I ask that you would use my giftings, my time, my words, my resources, and even my weaknesses to do extraordinary things in and through me. I recognize that the glory is all yours! Thank you for inviting me to walk with you and partner with the Kingdom as I live my life to preach the gospel everywhere I go. 


January 23rd

Today's Thought
One of the fruits of the Spirit that tends to get overlooked is self control. Many times as believers we need to choose faith instead of our feelings, and that takes self control. I love the quote from James Clear, “You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your system.” In our faith journey, we should have systems in place to help us live the life God has called us to life. In Matthew 11 it talks about learning God's unforced rhythm of grace. These systems of daily reading, giving, or attending church aren’t designed to create the heavy burden of religion, rather, do the opposite. Because many times, discipline and boundaries are the very thing that equals freedom. 
Prayer Focus:
Father, I want each day of my life to matter for eternity. I am asking that you would transform this area of my life. Encourage my heart to daily surrender and walk in step with your Holy Spirit because I know that this is a fruit of His work in me. 

January 24th

Today's Thought
It is hard to run any great distance with heavy weights on your body and shifting ground beneath your feet. Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins, and by His sacrifice alone we are made righteous before God, but the Holy Spirit calls us to walk in the freedom that was bought for us. There is a freedom, a lightness, and a pace that we are able to keep as we lay down our sin at His feet and walk in His ways. Scripture speaks of being drastic if you need to be to escape the trappings of sin. Jesus was not literally telling someone to remove their eye or cut off their hand, but to get drastic and determined to escape the sin that can so easily entangle you. If you have friendships that lead you into places that God has convinced you not to go, they must be cut off or if being on social media stirs envy and jealousy in your heart and it traps you in an endless loop of comparison, delete your account. There comes a time in life when you have to get serious about living free, and this just might be one of those times that God asks you to take a definitive step to live in obedience to His ways. David was known as a man after God’s own heart yet made so many mistakes. When his sin was revealed, his heart was broken and he would completely repent and forsake it. Each time we fail we have a decision to either run away from Jesus or run towards Him. As we continue to invite Him into every area of our life, He will gently lead us, if we are willing to follow, to breakthrough and victory. 
Prayer Focus:
Father, I ask for breakthrough when it comes to any area of sin that continues to entangle me. I believe this is a year of breakthrough and freedom. I am asking for the strength, self discipline, faith and courage to walk away - no matter what it may cost me. I believe that your ways are better. I believe you have set me free to live in freedom. I believe that you have given me all that I need and I will follow with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength! 

January 25th

Today's Thought
There’s a difference between passion and hype. Hype eventually will come to a halt but passion always keeps moving towards people. Even in the moments where Jesus was exhausted and tired, He would see a crowd of people come near him and it said, “He had compassion for them.” He moved towards them. The distinction between a Christ follower and someone else is their urgency to move towards broken and lost people that desperately need to hear the gospel message. God was in the crowd of 99 but moved towards the one that was lost.  
Prayer Focus:
Father, I pray that you would break my heart for those that are lost and need you. Break my heart for what breaks yours and give me a passion to share the gospel with all those that you have put in my life that are separated from you. 

January 26th

Today's Thought
“If you can’t beat the fear, do it scared.” The goal of this year isn’t to wait until all your fears are eliminated; rather, to have faith and courage in the midst of those fears. It’s saying yes to Jesus, even when you can’t see the next step. Faith is when there’s a short time between God’s command and your obedience. Faith says, my job isn’t the outcome, it’s obedience. Faith might look more like a trust fall into the unknown but most times it looks like a mundane moment of trusting Him. Either way, God has the power to use those moments of faith to build a life that exceeds all of your expectations knowing His way is better. 
Prayer Focus:
Father, I will trust you with all of my heart. I will not lean on my own understanding, and in all of my ways, I will acknowledge you and put you first, and I know that you will lead every step (Prov 3:5-6)